2019 State of the City Winner - Officer Jon Rice


Congratulations to Jon Rice for winning the Community Safety Award at the 2019 Upper Arlington State of the City Address! Officer Rice is a dedicated school resource officer concerned with the safety and well-being of our students He is all too aware of the challenges facing students and families when it comes to substance use and abuse. As a father, the High School Resource Officer, Stand Project Board member and advisor for The Stand Project Student group, he demonstrates a unique combination of empathy, understanding and accountability. As a board member for the Stand Project —the Upper Arlington Community Coalition committed to preventing youth substance misuse—Officer Rice is a subject matter expert on the law and a tireless advocate for students. He understood that we must reach more young people, raise awareness and offer substance free activities. He facilitated training Stand Project high school students to go into middle schools to share with younger students the challenges and solutions surrounding substance use and misuse.